Our Practitioners


Jen Anson

Functional Medicine Health Coach, Restore Functional Health

As a woman living with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, the autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid, I am passionate about helping others who have thyroid dysfunction regain their health. After years of not feeling well and suffering with debilitating symptoms, I was able to feel like myself again through shifts in my lifestyle and diet.

Through my personal experience as well as my health coaching certification, my mission is to help women with thyroid issues learn to live their most vibrant life using lifestyle, mindset and food choices to support optimal health.

I support and empower my clients to make positive changes and through our partnership, you will feel seen and heard so you can start to feel like yourself again.

Approximately 1 in 8 women will be affected by a thyroid condition in their life and the risk for women is about 10 times higher than it is for men. If this is you and you are tired of feeling unwell, I am here to help.

For a free consultation, please call me at 802-745-9198 or email me. I look forward to partnering with you!

515 Bay Street

Saint Johnsbury, VT 05819

(the former Ralston Purina Building)


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